What do you mean by spirit? Your spirit is, is the holy of holies, your innermost being where God dwells and fellowships with you. Its where you are birthed a new creation* through the entrance of the seed of God's word*, **. He desires that you be a person who always keeps oil in their lamp!* He searches your innermost being with His own lamp*. He wants you to soak up His presence during prayer time and worship through intimate fellowship with Him*. He wants to share with you His heart and mind, His love for you and reveal to you joint endeavors*.
What is your soul? Its traditional definition is that it encompasses all of your will, mind and emotions. It's the immaterial part of you most connected to your affairs on earth. God wants you to change your old thinking to conform to His higher principles and ways*. You are being reprogrammed to live like a princess. He wants your thought life to reflect your new place as a child born to Him spiritually*. This is also where the battle rages*. Girding yourself with God's Word is going to be crucial to win*. Where as being born spiritually happens instantaneously, upon your acceptance of Jesus into your heart, this takes some unlearning, discipline and time.
Your body is the temple where your spirit and soul reside. (Take good care of it! ) It operates under natural laws that do not always co-operate with the other two parts mentioned above*. It is at variance with your spirit and in constant fighting*.So a large part of the struggle becomes bringing it under the control of the spirit and letting it be guided by a renewed mind. At first failure is almost inevitable and it becomes a place where you learn to fast and pray, but as your spirit man grows into the full stature of Christ* it will begin to outweigh your bodies petty desires and you can have victory. You are simply advised to crucify lust* when it comes in the way of your soul's progress and freedom. God promises to supply you with all the grace you need*!
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