'cookieOptions = {...};' Jesus blog: 2005

Friday, December 23, 2005

Learn to crucify yourself!

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24

No one knows or can better explain the struggles we have in our flesh as the apostle Paul can*, **. He says the carnal mind is enmity against God*. While the world whispers in our ears to enjoy ourselves any way we can, Paul warns us not to be conformed to the world's way of thinking but to be transformed by being renewed in our minds*. He says, "if you belong to Christ then you ought to crucify your flesh with its evil desires". Picture this for a while; you are both the one being crucified and the one doing the crucifying. You are the one with the hammer and the nail and you are the one with the open palms ready to receive the pounding. Where as this conjures up a picture of some medieval monk flogging and torturing himself in order to attain salvation, this is not what the apostle means when he says crucify yourselves. He means discipline* and not abuse which has no value in making any progress but only gives one a false sense of pride and achievement*.

How are we to crucify our flesh?

Paul tells us to remind ourselves of how when we practiced sin that it was both fruitless and made us ashamed*! In today's world temptations and attacks can come at us from all angles and in various modes. Whenever lust or some other temptation crops up in our life we should go into a prayer/fasting mode*. This will weaken our flesh while setting us up for sweet communion with the spirit, His outpouring and revelation. At this time we should also open up God's word and start reading to remind ourself of God's promises. This will gird our mind for good actions and rekindle the fire in our heart. We should then find the particular scriptures pertaining to the area of struggle we are facing and meditate on it. This will help us understand how to position ourself against this particular attack.

Your flesh will resist and try to run from any and all kinds of spiritual endeavours and activities. It will resist waking up on Sunday to go to church and listen to God's word or you will find yourself dozing off just when prayer time comes around. But learn to muzzle it so that your soul can progress to that higher place that God desires for you! This does not mean we should not have time for other work or recreational activities. However, we should guard against our prayer time being stolen or squandered through watching flaky TV shows or other types of useless entertainment. We should be jealous of our time! Otherwise, like the disciples who slept at the most crucial time in our Lord's ministry(His passion), He might say to us, "Can you not pray with me an hour"

God's standard of Holiness

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.

Titus 2: 11
Further reading-------->What is Biblical holiness?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Why is it worth the fight?

The Social consequences:

So what? Why does all this matter? What is worth the fight?

The ruthless assassin Vincent played by Tom Cruise in the disturbing movie 'Collateral', says as he goes about his killing, "..Improvise, adapt to the environment, Darwin, ---- happens..whatever, roll with it". He says again, "Millions of galaxies of hundreds of millions of stars..each a speck on one in a blink..thats us lost in space" . This is part of his rationalization for the terrible things he is doing! Its not an accident that both evolution and the idea of a godless universe are used by the writers when they created this amoral fictional character. He believes he is alone in the universe and has no moral qualms about killing people to get what he wants. The question then, that should be asked is, How do these 'celebrated' scientific theories filter down into our psyche and affect the moral choices we make everyday?

Man, a law unto himself, Secularism

Evolutionary theory along with the big bang theory have set aside or altogether replaced the creator God making man seemingly unanswerable to Him, His moral laws or judgments! This has been and still is a huge split with monotheistic religions whose tenets include that there is a day of reckoning, a day of Judgment and accountability serving as a strong moral deterrent (when conscience goes awry*)! These scientific theories, at times overly presumptuous in their claims of having cornered the truth have garnered a faithful following. Together with anti-religion and atheistic philosophies, these theories form a wedge between genuine faith and honest science that seeks to ascertain the truth. Religious faith is being usurped its effectiveness as a moral & spiritual agent in a needy world. Some such philosophies have gone as far as to state religion to be a sinister plot by certain men to keep certain other groups of men under subjugation, making a "prison for their minds"!** This is seriously doubtful since the progenitors of these faiths were themselves poor or belonged to lower economic and social strata and getting ahead was never their motivation in preaching and establishing their message, "The Lord Your God is one"!

The Anti God age

Under the sway of the 'Evo-bang' theories and philosophies that permeate our world, man is left to make his own moral boundaries and decisions, making them up and changing them as he wills to fit his own selfish motives. Traditional social norms have been eroded and replaced by irreverent cultural mores leading to what one might call an amoral/immoral society and a type of a biblical Sodom that would unashamedly say, "Bring out the men so we can know them".

Therefore, "Thou shall not lie, steal, commit murder or covet your neighbors property" and other divine laws and tenets that were given to be honored and have served societies well in the past have been weakened or have a convenience clause added to them or are denied altogether! (Think of the divorce rate and the crime rate in western societies). Science has also been wrongly used to furnish some of the justifications(By painting a godless universe and by sometimes blurring the lines between right and wrong) for which certain moral and spiritual principles are to be abrogated for 'better' ethics and man made laws plunging us straight into an Anti God age (Anti-Christian if you will, to invoke Nietzsche) where we find ourselves today and where we have been for a while now! This might spell our demise! Unknowingly, we are cutting away at the pillars and limbs that support the very fiber of our society, its laws, education, its government and most of all the family structure! As it is said of the Anti-Christ, "He will change times and laws" . May God help us if we cast away and forget these eternal words and principles by which we were created that have upheld us up to now. Perhaps indeed the end is near!

Argument from design:

Friday, December 02, 2005

Is the Genesis story myth or fact?

Psalms 139:14 I am fearfully and wonderfully made

Q. What does the Genesis account have going for it that is superior to evolution and fitting to the observable phenomenon of life around us?

1. It mentions that our human species was created male and female. Where as in a random happenstance kind of origins theory, it is not clear why all or most species in the animal kingdom ended up with just the two sexes instead of 0,1, 3, 4, 5 etc.

2. It mentions that the female of our species came from the male. Men have x & y chromosomes while females only have two x chromosomes so the chromosomes to make a female were readily available in the male, making the Adam's rib story plausible. For one to go in the reverse direction(male from female) would have required creating a y chromosome from the female x chromosome. Granted both scenarios would not be impossible to the original creator one appears to be simpler! (we are not being chauvinistic!)

Symbolically, G(x,y) --> x,x would be a lot easier than G(x,x) --> x,y

3. It mentions the seed as a way of propagation in plants which is true in both animals and plants!

Psalms 139:14 "I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"

4. The genesis account mentions that the creator God fashioned man implying a deliberate shaping or formation similar to how a sculptor would create a magnificent piece of sculpture. A random happenstance type of theory does not explain why our face and in fact our whole body is symmetrical and seems to have esthetic qualities of beauty and structure which in turn are appreciable by the organ of vision which is our eye. Why isn’t our nose (which is necessary for one's survival as an opening for assimilating air molecules) malformed on the left side of our face, if survival was the driving motivation of nature as suggested by evolutionary theory? But all of creation seems to exhibit esthetic qualities beyond what would be needed for survival implying it was fashioned by someone well aware of beauty and meaning to imprint it all around us!People are known to have fallen in love because of how someone’s nose, chin, face etc looked. This double purpose in creation i.e. That of esthetic beauty beyond biological necessity implies a deliberate fashioning by someone rather than a random evolutionary occurrence over time.

5. It establishes that a certain compatibility was intended between certain living beings. For example: a. Between man and woman, answering the question why men are attracted to women biologically and emotionally b. Between man and his natural food source i.e. "fruit trees that are good for eating" which appear to have been made for no other reason than that very purpose(excepting for a sliding fall caused by a banana peel)! It is not so easily clear in an evolutionary model why living beings that supposedly evolved separately would be very compatible except that they were intentionally made to be so as the creation model signifies. Simply put, it answers the questions as to why men are naturally attracted to women and why we derive pleasureout of eating our fruit. Its inconceivable how an evolutionary theory can come up with a non convoluted explanation as to why these things are so(apart from claiming them to be coincidental in which case you can estimate the probabilities of that happening to be next to zero) except to get into minute biological details of how and why they seem to work in a way that is reminiscent of an 8th grade Biology class.

6. It mentions the elements within the planet earth to be the raw materials from which both man and animal were made. a. Having been made so they dissipate naturally into the ground after being deceased.

In conclusion, For a story that is supposed to be a 'myth' and 'outdated' the model of origins described in Genesis fits almost too well some of the observable phenomenon of life around us and therefore should not be dismissed so easily. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find a scientific fact that negates what it says, if one were to leave aside its moral and spiritual elements for a separate study. Therefor, it should be considered as a possible explanation to the question of how life started here on earth and should be given an equal opportunity to be developed in our schools and other places where such discussions arise. This is merited even if for no other reason than for the sake of freedom of speech and expression of ideas! So ask yourself, what are the evolutionists afraid of in such an endeavor? Could it be precisely because they are afraid it might supplant what they believe to be the right theory concerning origins?

Its also merited for reasons of morality. What we in general and our youth in particular believe about origins will determine the moral choices they will make in the future(Read following blog). Hence, we should not be hasty to eliminate the claims of these ancient texts as simply archaic and without use for our modern world. If we allow ourselves to be open we might indeed gain a lot knowledge and wisdom from them because that was the very intent with which they were written. I.E. "..To make the simple wise!"


Sunday, November 13, 2005

The 'must' question!

Remember the advertisement that said, "You must have this item!"? So you went out and bought the Item only to find out it didn't work for you or it did not suit your purpose or was not as appealing to you as it appeared in the ad! To cut to the chase of what must inevitably happen in our lives, (in order to inherit the kingdom of God) we put a search for the word "must" in the NIV bible search program and we came up with the following list! We concluded that these things must take place in our lives in order to fulfill our destiny and be what God called us to be! It is possible that this list could be expanded with other implied 'must' scriptures but we thought this list in itself was very indicative of what must indeed take place in each one of our lives spiritually in order to attain our full potential in God!
The twelve 'must happen' of the gospels concerning us:1. You must be born again of water and the spirit (Outer cleansing of our mind through the word & In the indwelling of the spirit) to enter the kingdom. (Jn 3:7) 2. He who comes after me(Jesus) must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me(Jesus) daily (Mt16:24, Jn 12:26)3. Must remain on the vine in order to bear fruit (Jn15:4) 4. Must preach the gospel (MK 13:10) 5. Other Sheep must come or be added (Jn 10:16) 6. Must love one another (Jn13:34) 7. Must be a servant in order to be great in God's kingdom (Mt 20:26) 8. Must worship God in spirit and truth (Jn 4:24) 9. Must work while its day! (Jn 9:4) 10. Must testify (Jn15:27)11. Must be ready for the return of the king (Mt 24:44) [How to be ready?] 12. You must be on your guard for persecutions (Mk 13:9) Concerning the world:Wars and rumors of wars, revolutions, natural disasters must happen! Offenses and sins must happen! (Woe to the world and woe to the one who does them) (Mt 24:6, Luke 21:9) Scripture must be fulfilled! The big 'must do' question and the answer? What good thing must I do to inherit eternal life? (Mt 19:26, Mk 10:7, Lk18:18) Click to find the answer!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Famine in the land for God's Word!

The ignorance concerning the Bible in our time is abhorrent! Some of the greatest artists and writers of the former centuries like Shakespeare or Rembrandt or say Sir Isaac Newton were well aware of the treasure chest of wisdom to be acquired within its pages and had familiarized themselves with it, and in fact made its stories and its truths the subject of their works which we still admire today. They might even owe the greatness of their genius to having read this extraordinary book. Where would have been the light of the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King if he hadn’t known the treasures within this sacred book? How about the German guy by the same name,(Watch the recent movie about the german reformer titled 'Luther') who brought about the reformation and enlightened subsequent generations which happened only after he had an immense struggle to appropriate this book in his own personal albeit miserable existence? The next (and perhaps last) real revolution and change (call it revival if you like) can only happen through bringing to bear these same words and principles to the prime time activity, life and detail of today’s uncertain times and fearful world society. Yet there are powers that seek to marginalize its influence and demote its principles and ideas as archaic and not useful for today's world! Such powers should be fought with the same vehemence and determination that they seek to destroy "truth" or its truths. In the least, this book deserves to be read and studied by each generation no less than other so called important documents of historical significance like the constitution of the United States or works of fiction like Shakespeare. This is because it contains weighty matters of life and the soul, and other matters concerning our beginnings and the prophesied end and many more such issues that, if their truth were ascertained, no man should be uninformed of their contents and statements!Today, in an increasingly secularized world (bringing with it increasing refutations of the scriptures and questions about their authenticity and truthfulness) there is a famine and a draught for the word of God. Yes, of course, there are quite a number of churches and there is that radio station on an obscure AM channel that gets drowned out by the numerous sounds for irreverent pop culture shows and highly biased political and entertainment shows. The Bible is hardly, if ever at all, the subject of a prime time TV show and gets painted in a negative light when it gets the rare coverage. If the Bible is to be taken for what it claims, no one can attain the full potential of who they are unless they rightly appropriate the information within its pages. So, whereas we have shoots of so called knowledge from highly cerebral and intellectual people, we don’t really have nearly enough spiritual giants who have gotten the big picture to point us in the right direction and lead us in a very confusing and turbulent times when many questions have arisen that require answers. Questions relating to religion, God....

Bible resources and top ten reasons why you should know the scriptures


Daily reading:
My utmost for His highest by Oswald Chambers

Bible Codes: New proof that the Bible is Inspired?


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Are you ready for these end of times?


Its the Last call so get on board! If You are procrastinating about making a decision for Christ make sure you do it right away! Don't hesitate or it really might be too late. This is a time and an hour you do not want to be without the lord because such hardships as have not happened before are about to befall on all of us and are even now happening right befor our eyes. I will not talk of the war in the middle east or rumors of wars (korea or Siria) or of plauges(Aids & Sars) or of natural disasters like huricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. You can see that on the ten o'clock news along with the ever increasing lawlessness and sinfulness of mankind. The work of salvation by divine grace should already have started in your soul so that you are not found lacking when the bride groom(Jesus) comes for His bride( The church of believers). Only those who are ready will enter into His joy and prepared feast of celebration. Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready? In order to be ready you must first accept by faith, the saving grace offered to you through the shed blood of Christ Jesus. If you follow the link at the top of this page, you will find a way to secure your salvation by following the Roman road taken straight out of the book of Romans in the Bible. You will find all the information you need to make a commitment to Christ, that will be a start of a new and exciting adventure for your life! Make sure to repent of all of your sins and accept The Lord Jesus into your heart! This will assure your name to be placed in the lambs book of life!. For those of you who want a better understanding of prophecy and what may be coming arround the corner, especially with reference to the United States, you can go to the website of Michael Boldea, http://www.handofhelp.com/ . There you will read numreous visions and insights given to him and his father Dumitru Duduman. It has the complete text of their messages and dreams together with a clear time line of when they recieved them. A large portion of Dumitru's message can also be found in the book he authored before his death, Through the fire without burning. Excrepts from this book can be found on a page at the web site with the link given here bellow. To go there just click on the symbol bellow. May it shake you up to live holy and be ready for the lord's comming!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Spirit, Soul and Body

What do you mean by spirit? Your spirit is, is the holy of holies, your innermost being where God dwells and fellowships with you. Its where you are birthed a new creation* through the entrance of the seed of God's word*, **. He desires that you be a person who always keeps oil in their lamp!* He searches your innermost being with His own lamp*. He wants you to soak up His presence during prayer time and worship through intimate fellowship with Him*. He wants to share with you His heart and mind, His love for you and reveal to you joint endeavors*.

What is your soul? Its traditional definition is that it encompasses all of your will, mind and emotions. It's the immaterial part of you most connected to your affairs on earth. God wants you to change your old thinking to conform to His higher principles and ways*. You are being reprogrammed to live like a princess. He wants your thought life to reflect your new place as a child born to Him spiritually*. This is also where the battle rages*. Girding yourself with God's Word is going to be crucial to win*. Where as being born spiritually happens instantaneously, upon your acceptance of Jesus into your heart, this takes some unlearning, discipline and time.

Your body is the temple where your spirit and soul reside. (Take good care of it! ) It operates under natural laws that do not always co-operate with the other two parts mentioned above*. It is at variance with your spirit and in constant fighting*.So a large part of the struggle becomes bringing it under the control of the spirit and letting it be guided by a renewed mind. At first failure is almost inevitable and it becomes a place where you learn to fast and pray, but as your spirit man grows into the full stature of Christ* it will begin to outweigh your bodies petty desires and you can have victory. You are simply advised to crucify lust* when it comes in the way of your soul's progress and freedom. God promises to supply you with all the grace you need*!

Also read poem at,
More detailed resource on the subject:

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The shulami magazine!

I just did a couple of articles with you girls and boys in mind with the hope that the upside down gets rightside up again! It came out of my own(frustrating) search for a better half. In the back of my head was a nagging line from a Jars of Clay song that goes, "you can't attract the things that you lack, you are trying in vain" I hope you know what you lack within yourself and try to find the stuff that belongs in there. This goes back to the old Agustinian itch, "There is a void in the heart of a man(or a woman) that makes him (or her) itch until he (or she) finds God". 'The three sisters' poem is about realizing there are people behind the people( A spirit-soul behind the outwardly seen body) and that all there is, is not just what one sees on the outside! This is true of both men and woman, although you can't title a similar poem about the duplicity of human soul and spirit the same way if you are talking about men. Perhaps a piece titled, 'Dr. Jackyl and Mr. Hyde(hide)' might yield a worthy exploration of the subject. I will let a woman writer tackle that. However, this is not a site about trying to get into peoples psyche but how to build one's inner spirit-person with God's building blocks so as to become beautiful and whole persons, thereby attracting the same. Hope it blesses you! I hope you can overlook the apparent 'corny-ness' and find the deeper meaning and gems hidden right bellow the surface to help you make a headway in this crazy world. Finally, may the almighty add His blessings to it! Only He can make the murky waters clear. This is just my weak, faint offering to help the process! Thank you and may God bless you for reading it! You can leave comments, opinions and questions bellow by using the comments link! Love ya all! And I appreciate all your feedback!

Who goes to Hell ?