"it seemed good To the Holy Ghost and to us"
"He will lead you into all truth"
"Does The Holy Spirit take the role of being a match maker or does he leave things for men and women to decide for themselves? We believe the answer is 50/50. We see Him lead people in The Bible and in church history in various ways and in diverse situations. In at least on one instance, we see God telling a prophet(like Hosea) who exactly to marry in arguably one of the greatest love story books of the Old Testament. He is no doubt present to help us make good choices but may not override our will in this area. However, we would be foolish not to seek his voice and leading in this area or to ignore it after it's given. He might lead us to be cautious about a friendship we have started or tell us to hold off and wait or maybe even abort one altogether. Some might feel the need for a special time to pray and seek God in-order to get clarity.
11 "Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish ; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? 12 "Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? 13 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" Luke 11: 12-13
God has promised not to give us a serpent when we ask for an egg and we will stipulate here that this applies to many aspects of the Christian life including our search for a partner. The Holy Spirit more than anyone else would know who would suit us and whether two people can together have an enduring fruitful life that brings glory to God! If we find that we have a certain physical, emotional and intellectual compatibility with someone who is a Christian and that there is mutual interest, we should then run it by The Lord during prayer time to see how He would lead us, all the while studying the situation on the ground. This will give us a balanced approach that takes into consideration both spiritual and natural factors.
Seeking Holy Ghost Guidance
"He will lead you into all truth"
The Peace of God
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. NIV James 3:17-18
In the above quote, The apostle is talking about differentiating wisdom that is from above from that which comes from man. Notice how peace is repeated throughout heavenly wisdom while it's missing from the earthly kind (verses 14-16)
One of the ways The Lord leads us or confirms something to us is by granting us His peace in a situation. The absence of such peace should be a warning to us that ''kingdoms might be in conflict'' and we may be treading in risky waters. We are not here talking about minor disagreements which are quite common to all relationships but about a deeper spiritual chasm that may exist between us and a perspective mate. If we sense peace from God we should be able to move forward and continue to interact with our intended, always doing things prayerfully.
Hearing From God
Knowing God's perfect will for our life requires that a certain level of spiritual maturity be present where we are exercised to know God's voice and leading for our lives. This usually means having proficiency in understanding the scriptures and a prayer life that loves to have a daily intimacy with God. If we are not sure ourselves, it's always good to enlist others to pray with us and for us asking for God's guidance. The people we enlist should be spiritual, mature and trustworthy Christians. We might also want to invest time to learn about how to know God's will and how to hear his voice for ourselves, as this will beneficial to us in every area of our life, not just courtship. Hearing God's still small voice usually means that we need to find times during the day for quite prayer, shut away from all the noise and clamor of the world.
The Scriptures: The Language of Heaven
The Word of God in The Bible is totally inspired and it is God-speak for mankind. The word of God is the wisdom of God. Studying God's Word regularly and systematically becomes paramount because it's also The Holy Spirit's language through which He mainly addresses us. If we don't learn this language whatever we hear will be confusing to us. Practicing these precepts we have studied daily in our life makes them to be second nature to us and will immediately affect our decision process and every area of our lives. Even if dreams and visions are supplementary and exciting ways through which The Lord opens up our understanding, they work in conjunction with and on the foundation laid by the scriptures. Daniel was reading The Word of God given to Jeremiah when he received his spectacular visions about the end (Daniel 9:2).
The Word always precedes anything else The Lord might speak to us or do in our lives and we should be invested in studying it. God has once and for all time, singularly and perfectly represented Himself in the scriptures and will not contradict them nor himself change. The More of the Bible we have read and understood the clearer we are going to be able to hear God and the more God can speak to us in supplementary ways without us falling into error or deception. Therefore let us not be Bible illiterate but let's learn heaven's common language with man, the scriptures, thoroughly. The treasury of wisdom we acquire even on one reading of The Bible can be tremendous and will grow incrementally as we commit to study it more.
Like what you just read? Why not get a copy of the whole book?
Are you single and lonely? This book will help prepare you for the rough and tumble world of dating and relationships. It's choke full of great wisdom and insights from scripture. You can read the whole book or listen to the Cd at one or two sittings and come away with very helpful, poweful nuggets to help you in your christian walk. While reading these inspirational book you will realize that you need never be lonely or feel lonely. We pray that the same anointing that helped us to write it will touch your life in a special way also.
This poweful Book is full of scriptures and insights that can and will be helpful to you, a friend or a loved one.
Subjects addressed include RELATIONSHIPS, Loneliness, LOVE, SEX, SINGLENESS, MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, spirituality, intimacy, Lonliness, ASB etc,
A sweeping look at the issue of marriage, singleness, lonliness and the Bible's council on such issues

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