Note: Since this was written a couple of years back, I have learned that several facts concerning the origin of satan mentioned in the story to be slightly off the mark from an very accurate biblical perspective . This I gathered thanks to impromptu lectures on angelology by my recently departed gaint of a teacher Dr. Fowler. He is now, I am sure, dancing in the heavenlies. This portion is dedicated to him amd his commitment to teach the scriptures. Please read the words bellow as fact based fiction and not a factual account of what must have happened during Satan's mutiny.
How the war began: Excerpts from the Story: The Negrusso Files
The demons are a disenfranchised group of angles who were originally part of commonwealth of the Godhead and subservient to him. Lucifer was once an angel who stood before the almighty and led heaven’s concert of adoration to its Prince and Maker. Lucifer was formerly created with the most beautiful visage and attire among all the angles. Among his gifts were piping heaven’s music to lead all of the angles into paying a homage of thankfulness for their creator and maker, the one who brought them from naught and continued to bestow on all, His lavish love, kindness and provisions.

Lucifer’s unique role as heaven’s musician director and his awesomely brilliant and beautiful looks made him forget that he was also made from nothing and caused him to fall into a great temptation of pride. He stopped being content with the lofty position and beauty Yahweh had undeservedly bestowed on him and started to question His governance, rule and its execution. Lucifer slowly began to go bad and question his own role in the government of Yahweh and began to envision himself in the lofty role of a prince. He found it especially infuriating that Yahweh had reserved this part for his son, his only son who had come from his own bosom.

It was not long after he started to feverishly work towards a secret mutiny that would allow him a godlike supremacy and leadership by forming a separate sect. He lofty position in government allowed him to go behind loyalists and to persuade others into a mutiny and a horrible treasonous act. The discovery of the mutiny led into a war in heaven that resulted in him being kicked out from before the almighty.

The now fallen angles lost their former beauty and luster and became a brood of devils, demons and all manner of evil spirits inhabiting the lower strata of the heavenlies all the way down to here on earth. Since they had been expunged from the courts of heaven’s supreme luminary and creator they no longer had His light and therefore became a kingdom of darkness. Their one uniting cause was the hatred they had for the almighty, his prince and all of human kind who were created in His image.

The mutiny had included a plot to murder the prince and all the loyal arch angles including Michael and Gabriel. In an intense battle the rebel faction was pushed out from heaven proper into the lower heavenlies. A lull of negotiations took place with Gabriel promising Lucifer a reprieve if he forsook his mad plan. In a moment of compassion Lucifer was allowed to remain their so he could repent and throw down his weapons and throw himself at the mercy of Yahweh, his creator and maker.