I just did a couple of articles with you girls and boys in mind with the hope that the upside down gets rightside up again! It came out of my own(frustrating) search for a better half. In the back of my head was a nagging line from a Jars of Clay song that goes, "you can't attract the things that you lack, you are trying in vain" I hope you know what you lack within yourself and try to find the stuff that belongs in there. This goes back to the old Agustinian itch, "There is a void in the heart of a man(or a woman) that makes him (or her) itch until he (or she) finds God". 'The three sisters' poem is about realizing there are people behind the people( A spirit-soul behind the outwardly seen body) and that all there is, is not just what one sees on the outside! This is true of both men and woman, although you can't title a similar poem about the duplicity of human soul and spirit the same way if you are talking about men. Perhaps a piece titled, 'Dr. Jackyl and Mr. Hyde(hide)' might yield a worthy exploration of the subject. I will let a woman writer tackle that. However, this is not a site about trying to get into peoples psyche but how to build one's inner spirit-person with God's building blocks so as to become beautiful and whole persons, thereby attracting the same. Hope it blesses you! I hope you can overlook the apparent 'corny-ness' and find the deeper meaning and gems hidden right bellow the surface to help you make a headway in this crazy world. Finally, may the almighty add His blessings to it! Only He can make the murky waters clear. This is just my weak, faint offering to help the process! Thank you and may God bless you for reading it! You can leave comments, opinions and questions bellow by using the comments link! Love ya all! And I appreciate all your feedback!
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