Remember the advertisement that said, "You must have this item!"? So you went out and bought the Item only to find out it didn't work for you or it did not suit your purpose or was not as appealing to you as it appeared in the ad! To cut to the chase of what must inevitably happen in our lives, (in order to inherit the kingdom of God) we put a search for the word "must" in the NIV bible search program and we came up with the following list! We concluded that these things must take place in our lives in order to fulfill our destiny and be what God called us to be! It is possible that this list could be expanded with other implied 'must' scriptures but we thought this list in itself was very indicative of what must indeed take place in each one of our lives spiritually in order to attain our full potential in God!
The twelve 'must happen' of the gospels concerning us:1. You must be born again of water and the spirit (Outer cleansing of our mind through the word & In the indwelling of the spirit) to enter the kingdom. (Jn 3:7) 2. He who comes after me(Jesus) must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me(Jesus) daily (Mt16:24, Jn 12:26)3. Must remain on the vine in order to bear fruit (Jn15:4) 4. Must preach the gospel (MK 13:10) 5. Other Sheep must come or be added (Jn 10:16) 6. Must love one another (Jn13:34) 7. Must be a servant in order to be great in God's kingdom (Mt 20:26) 8. Must worship God in spirit and truth (Jn 4:24) 9. Must work while its day! (Jn 9:4) 10. Must testify (Jn15:27)11. Must be ready for the return of the king (Mt 24:44) [How to be ready?] 12. You must be on your guard for persecutions (Mk 13:9) Concerning the world:Wars and rumors of wars, revolutions, natural disasters must happen! Offenses and sins must happen! (Woe to the world and woe to the one who does them) (Mt 24:6, Luke 21:9) Scripture must be fulfilled! The big 'must do' question and the answer? What good thing must I do to inherit eternal life? (Mt 19:26, Mk 10:7, Lk18:18) Click to find the answer!