The ignorance concerning the Bible in our time is abhorrent! Some of the greatest artists and writers of the former centuries like Shakespeare or Rembrandt or say Sir Isaac Newton were well aware of the treasure chest of wisdom to be acquired within its pages and had familiarized themselves with it, and in fact made its stories and its truths the subject of their works which we still admire today. They might even owe the greatness of their genius to having read this extraordinary book. Where would have been the light of the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King if he hadn’t known the treasures within this sacred book? How about the German guy by the same name,(Watch the recent movie about the german reformer titled 'Luther') who brought about the reformation and enlightened subsequent generations which happened only after he had an immense struggle to appropriate this book in his own personal albeit miserable existence? The next (and perhaps last) real revolution and change (call it revival if you like) can only happen through bringing to bear these same words and principles to the prime time activity, life and detail of today’s uncertain times and fearful world society. Yet there are powers that seek to marginalize its influence and demote its principles and ideas as archaic and not useful for today's world! Such powers should be fought with the same vehemence and determination that they seek to destroy "truth" or its truths. In the least, this book deserves to be read and studied by each generation no less than other so called important documents of historical significance like the constitution of the United States or works of fiction like Shakespeare. This is because it contains weighty matters of life and the soul, and other matters concerning our beginnings and the prophesied end and many more such issues that, if their truth were ascertained, no man should be uninformed of their contents and statements!Today, in an increasingly secularized world (bringing with it increasing refutations of the scriptures and questions about their authenticity and truthfulness) there is a famine and a draught for the word of God. Yes, of course, there are quite a number of churches and there is that radio station on an obscure AM channel that gets drowned out by the numerous sounds for irreverent pop culture shows and highly biased political and entertainment shows. The Bible is hardly, if ever at all, the subject of a prime time TV show and gets painted in a negative light when it gets the rare coverage. If the Bible is to be taken for what it claims, no one can attain the full potential of who they are unless they rightly appropriate the information within its pages. So, whereas we have shoots of so called knowledge from highly cerebral and intellectual people, we don’t really have nearly enough spiritual giants who have gotten the big picture to point us in the right direction and lead us in a very confusing and turbulent times when many questions have arisen that require answers. Questions relating to religion, God....
Bible resources and top ten reasons why you should know the scriptures
Daily reading:
My utmost for His highest by Oswald Chambers
Bible Codes: New proof that the Bible is Inspired?
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