Psalms 139:14 I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Q. What does the Genesis account have going for it that is superior to evolution and fitting to the observable phenomenon of life around us?
1. It mentions that our human species was created male and female. Where as in a random happenstance kind of origins theory, it is not clear why all or most species in the animal kingdom ended up with just the two sexes instead of 0,1, 3, 4, 5 etc.
2. It mentions that the female of our species came from the male. Men have x & y chromosomes while females only have two x chromosomes so the chromosomes to make a female were readily available in the male, making the Adam's rib story plausible. For one to go in the reverse direction(male from female) would have required creating a y chromosome from the female x chromosome. Granted both scenarios would not be impossible to the original creator one appears to be simpler! (we are not being chauvinistic!)
Symbolically, G(x,y) --> x,x would be a lot easier than G(x,x) --> x,y
3. It mentions the seed as a way of propagation in plants which is true in both animals and plants!
Psalms 139:14 "I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"
4. The genesis account mentions that the creator God fashioned man implying a deliberate shaping or formation similar to how a sculptor would create a magnificent piece of sculpture. A random happenstance type of theory does not explain why our face and in fact our whole body is symmetrical and seems to have esthetic qualities of beauty and structure which in turn are appreciable by the organ of vision which is our eye. Why isn’t our nose (which is necessary for one's survival as an opening for assimilating air molecules) malformed on the left side of our face, if survival was the driving motivation of nature as suggested by evolutionary theory? But all of creation seems to exhibit esthetic qualities beyond what would be needed for survival implying it was fashioned by someone well aware of beauty and meaning to imprint it all around us!People are known to have fallen in love because of how someone’s nose, chin, face etc looked. This double purpose in creation i.e. That of esthetic beauty beyond biological necessity implies a deliberate fashioning by someone rather than a random evolutionary occurrence over time.
5. It establishes that a certain compatibility was intended between certain living beings. For example: a. Between man and woman, answering the question why men are attracted to women biologically and emotionally b. Between man and his natural food source i.e. "fruit trees that are good for eating" which appear to have been made for no other reason than that very purpose(excepting for a sliding fall caused by a banana peel)! It is not so easily clear in an evolutionary model why living beings that supposedly evolved separately would be very compatible except that they were intentionally made to be so as the creation model signifies. Simply put, it answers the questions as to why men are naturally attracted to women and why we derive pleasureout of eating our fruit. Its inconceivable how an evolutionary theory can come up with a non convoluted explanation as to why these things are so(apart from claiming them to be coincidental in which case you can estimate the probabilities of that happening to be next to zero) except to get into minute biological details of how and why they seem to work in a way that is reminiscent of an 8th grade Biology class.
6. It mentions the elements within the planet earth to be the raw materials from which both man and animal were made. a. Having been made so they dissipate naturally into the ground after being deceased.
In conclusion, For a story that is supposed to be a 'myth' and 'outdated' the model of origins described in Genesis fits almost too well some of the observable phenomenon of life around us and therefore should not be dismissed so easily. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find a scientific fact that negates what it says, if one were to leave aside its moral and spiritual elements for a separate study. Therefor, it should be considered as a possible explanation to the question of how life started here on earth and should be given an equal opportunity to be developed in our schools and other places where such discussions arise. This is merited even if for no other reason than for the sake of freedom of speech and expression of ideas! So ask yourself, what are the evolutionists afraid of in such an endeavor? Could it be precisely because they are afraid it might supplant what they believe to be the right theory concerning origins?
Its also merited for reasons of morality. What we in general and our youth in particular believe about origins will determine the moral choices they will make in the future(Read following blog). Hence, we should not be hasty to eliminate the claims of these ancient texts as simply archaic and without use for our modern world. If we allow ourselves to be open we might indeed gain a lot knowledge and wisdom from them because that was the very intent with which they were written. I.E. "..To make the simple wise!"
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