Its the Last call so get on board! If You are procrastinating about making a decision for Christ make sure you do it right away! Don't hesitate or it really might be too late. This is a time and an hour you do not want to be without the lord because such hardships as have not happened before are about to befall on all of us and are even now happening right befor our eyes. I will not talk of the war in the middle east or rumors of wars (korea or Siria) or of plauges(Aids & Sars) or of natural disasters like huricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. You can see that on the ten o'clock news along with the ever increasing lawlessness and sinfulness of mankind. The work of salvation by divine grace should already have started in your soul so that you are not found lacking when the bride groom(Jesus) comes for His bride( The church of believers). Only those who are ready will enter into His joy and prepared feast of celebration. Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready? In order to be ready you must first accept by faith, the saving grace offered to you through the shed blood of Christ Jesus. If you follow the link at the top of this page, you will find a way to secure your salvation by following the Roman road taken straight out of the book of Romans in the Bible. You will find all the information you need to make a commitment to Christ, that will be a start of a new and exciting adventure for your life! Make sure to repent of all of your sins and accept The Lord Jesus into your heart! This will assure your name to be placed in the lambs book of life!. For those of you who want a better understanding of prophecy and what may be coming arround the corner, especially with reference to the United States, you can go to the website of Michael Boldea, http://www.handofhelp.com/ . There you will read numreous visions and insights given to him and his father Dumitru Duduman. It has the complete text of their messages and dreams together with a clear time line of when they recieved them. A large portion of Dumitru's message can also be found in the book he authored before his death, Through the fire without burning. Excrepts from this book can be found on a page at the web site with the link given here bellow. To go there just click on the symbol bellow. May it shake you up to live holy and be ready for the lord's comming!
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