Never Alone
Intimacy with Christ
We can all surely understand people’s need for a mate. We pray God give those of you praying and asking for a mate, the desires of your heart and bless you with someone that can fulfill you and make you happy! Until then, think of prayer time as a 'romantic outing' or having a barbecue or drinking coffee at Starbucks with Jesus. That way, one never feels alone or lonely. Christ is always available to hear us, talk to us and sup with us. The intimacy we cultivate with The Lord will enrich all aspects of our life and will also help us in our search to find the right companion if and when we are so inclined. Our adoption into God’s family means that we are literally yoked in service with many wonderful Christian brothers and sisters so we should never feel lonely. The nature of our relationship with the Lord is such that it should grow to where the worldly concept of loneliness should no longer touch us or cause us to be in pain or sadness. We need not conform ourselves to the ways of the world. The Lord will become our unfailing joy in all matters and situation. As Paul said, “Nothing can separate us” from His Love.
The valley of decisions
We have come to the conclusion that because attitudes regarding marriage are lax while God's law is not( check Luke 16:17-18 above) that it is absolutely essential for a Christian to be led by the Holy Spirit in this area. By that, we mean let The Holy Spirit give you the name, photograph and GPS location of the person you are supposed to marry. (We say that in humor, but you get the point!) We really only have one chance in a lifetime to get it right and 'get the gold', so we should pull on all our resources and give it all we can, before arriving at a final decision. Pray, study and learn as much as you can about, 'prospective' friends; you are bound to encounter some diamonds in the rough, some sheep and yes, some wolves and a few in-between.
Such vigilance should hold especially true for those of us forty-somethings who are looking for another chance at marital bliss, who have made some attempt before which failed or those who had somehow forgone the 'joy' of the whole experience altogether. We might rather have to 'tunnel upward' in spiritual thirst and hunger for the prize of the high calling of God and be less concerned about being with a mate(even if only for a season). Lost in the heart of the master means being more concerned about making spiritual impact in a needy world while in a deep, close relationship with him. Even if that is all we will have here in this life, it would have been worth it! It is better than succumbing to a bad, mediocre relationship or (worse) an unhappy and destructive one. (for those gambling on a compromise, "Don't!").
If God gives us both(companionship and anointing) then blessed be. Some people have that double joy of being with their true life-partner and serving the master effectively, but the reality is a lot of people don't and some just gamble on someone and lose out on both ends, spiritual and marital.

Seeking The Jewel of Heaven
& the desire of nations
We should want to make sure that we know Christ and The power of His resurrection and count all else as rubbish like the apostle says. This often means putting our own wants and desires on the cross and suffering loss of life to gain His abundant life, which is more than a fair exchange. We might be wrongly perceived as "playing for the other team" (to use a reference from an episode of Seinfeld) or made to feel sex-less in a sin crazed world. This is one other cross to bear in this adventure where we are bidden to scale higher spiritual altitudes and hitherto unexplored peaks. Imagine the power of a testimony that says "I strive to live pure in a corrupt world and Christ helps and forgives me in my infirm seasons." So we should never give up on holiness, no matter what the temptation or the barrage of lies we face( Hebrews 12:14, I Thess. 4:2-8). We know the wisdom of our choices will be apparent to our Lord who rewards us. If we have Christ in his fullness in this life then we have the greatest part as all things that seem important pale besides Him. As the old Hymn states so beautifully " The things of this world will grow strangely dim."
You can buy a hard copy of the complete blog 'Never Lonely' together with the audio book Cd.

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