Prologue: The article bellow was not written on a whim but was born out of decades of struggles with these issues, numerous searches for love and fulfillment on and off-line and many failures, rejection and brushes with the darkness before reaching illumination. Therein lies, we hope, it potency as an antidote along with exposition of some carefully chosen relevant biblical passages and the fact the The Holy Spirit helped and inspired us to write it! Many of its lines and phrases came to us while on our knees in prayer. However, we still ask that you do your own studies and searches to see if it be so. We hope, these truths will set someone free and help to heal them.
We have tried to bring a fresh look into some of these issues so that hopefully, it won't be redundant for you if you have recently read a book or heard a sermon on singleness and marriage. To those who may not have studied these issues and who seek a guide we hope this will be a good starting place for you.
Please Note that the essay bellow are bound to be continually edited We will append additional complimentary insights from time to time.// There is also bound to be not a few edits and rewrites in order to improve clarity and remove ambiguities that may arise. Its a book in the process of being written.
Introduction: "I need love right away!"
A recent Ad from a lady on a popular website read. "I have been keeping myself for several years believing God would send me a husband but now I am tired of waiting. I would like to have a man in my life right away. Are you that man?"
Somewhat startling as this Ad may be, its not uncommon and it illustrates the struggles many believers have with respect to the issues of marriage, relationship and being single. Many people, including those who are Christians, are trying to find their kindred spirit through the Internet, hoping to stumble upon love . The frustrations people experience in these areas are numerous. We will try to plug a few holes, bring to light certain issues and try to uncover truths that have remained hidden for various reasons.
Because these issues can be a puzzling conundrum to those of us who have found happiness in this area to be illusory, we have tried to demystify this issues and have outlined bellow, the pieces of the puzzle that involve, marriage, singleness and spirituality. This article is designed to be helpful for all 'saved' singles and especially to those who are in their late thirties or forties who want or need some insight in this area.
We realize that younger people have a different dynamic and understanding when it comes to these issues and we will leave that discussion to other younger writers, although a lot of the things mentioned bellow can apply to all. Nevertheless, we are pointing our pen mainly at older singles whose passions we assume have ebbed a little or at least have been tempered and to whom 'burning in love' is not their main problem or motivation.
We trust that if you are young and stumble upon these words you shall find nuggets of wisdom that can enrich your understanding; so we encourage you to read also.
There shall never be loneliness
When temptation becomes overwhelming
or the loneliness hard to bear
It should drive us to our knees
Into our Lord's arms who cares
Where He attends to our cries
and helps us to bear
Sin's violent thrashings
And with our heart's thirst quenched
we come away singing and rejoicing
full to the brim, belching mysteries
of a world to be birthed soon
and looking to it's glorious rise
where there shall never be loneliness
But every Joy and happiness
sighing and longing
We wait to enter her gates
This New Jerusalem
where the righteous dwell
Like what you just read? Why not get a copy of the whole book?
Are you single and lonely? This book will help prepare you for the rough and tumble world of dating and relationships. It's choke full of great wisdom and insights from scripture. You can read the whole book or listen to the Cd at one or two sittings and come away with very helpful, poweful nuggets to help you in your christian walk. While reading these inspirational book you will realize that you need never be lonely or feel lonely. We pray the same anointing that helped us to write it will flow and touch your life.
This poweful Book is full of scriptures and insights that can and will be helpful to you, a friend or a loved one.
Subjects addressed include RELATIONSHIPS, Loneliness, LOVE, SEX, SINGLENESS, MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, spirituality, intimacy, Lonliness, ASB etc,
A sweeping look at the issue of marriage, singleness, lonliness and the Bible's council on such issues

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